Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hedgehog theme cake

So blessed to be able to make another First Birthday cake. This time I was told I can do what ever theme I like. After asking the birthday girl's brother about what he thinks his sister would like for her cake, he told me that he like hedgehog and kiwi fruit.
I asked him why hedgehog and kiwi fruit? He told me that that the name he gave his baby sister since she was in mum's tummy.
Ahhhhh...Hedgehog ..i said ....ok, let make it a hedgehog theme cake, with a green butter cream.

I know that most of my cake is covered in fondant, so this time I will make the cake with one of my favourite butter cream. Italian meringue butter cream.

The cake is a red velvet cake covered in IM butter cream. Hedgehog is all hand made from sugar.