Monday, September 17, 2012

Peony wedding cake

Really love the look of this cake. The colour of the peonies and the matching ribbons really show case the elegant look of the cake.
I was so blessed to be asked to make this cake for a good friend of mind. I have know the bride since she was 6 years old. It was such a honor to be asked to make this cake.
I have so much fun making the sugar flowers. I really enjoy making and dusting the petals of the peony.

Skylander - Sypro and Trigger Happy cake

I was asked by a good friend to make  Skylander birthday cake for their son's birthday. Before this cake I have no idea what is a skylander.
The portal is made of a white chocolate mud cake, and the two figurine is hand made from sugar.
I have a few trouble especially trying to make Trigger Happy arms and hand to stay up, at the end I have given up and make on of his hand to support his body.
Sypro on the other hand have his own challenge.Those two wing was a night mare for me. Trying to find the support and making sure they stay up.
These figurine took me 2.5 weeks to make, and I have heaps of fun :)