I love macarons. The first every macarons I have tasted was in Paris. The nice sweetness of the filling and the almond just made my taste buds jump up and down for more.
The adventure of macarons started last year after my trip to Paris. I start searching for the BEST every macaron recipe. I have found the recipe was nothing more then sugar and almond meal, so what is all the fuss ? I'm sure I can just whipped this and the rest was history.
Boy ..was I wrong !!! after more the 20 plus attempted and made my whole family fat !! ( from eating all the ugly and uneven macarons.) I wasn't going to surrender to the macarons.
After a long months of searching and reading many many books and blogs from fellow macarons lovers. I finely got it !! EUREKA !!! thanks to Pierre Herme and Jose Marechal I have masted his macarons.
I was going to give up, pack my bag and move to Paris ( heheh this is what I've told the hubby )
I'm sure he was so glad I didn't do it, even though Paris is still in my mind.
The adventure of the search of the macaron is over , but the beginning of our beautiful friendship has just began.
So here are some pic of my beautiful tasteful macs.
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